"Let choice whisper in your ear
and love murmur in your heart.
Be ready. Here comes life."
~Maya Angelou
Deeply Connect To Your Journey
Choose your Path
HypnoBirthing Group Classes
A 5-week preparation course designed to help expectant mothers and partners feel informed about their birthing options, empowered about the birthing process, and connected to their inner journey.
(* Private one-on-one classes also available. And if you have taken hypnobirthing for a past birth, happy to offer you a refresher class!
Client Love Notes

Baby Michalina
I would highly recommend this 5 week course with Liliana. She is full of amazing information and is approachable and well spoken. It showed me that sometimes all you need is some information and a different perspective and it can change your life. Thank you, Liliana, for giving me the resources to give birth the way that I wanted to. I felt like a warrior. It was very liberating.
~ Agnes
Baby James
I am so happy and proud of what we did together. I have never felt more powerful and confident in my body and I thank you for reminding me that my body is made to birth children.
Practicing hypnobirthing gave me the tools to be relaxed and to not fear any part of the process. Because of that my labor and birth is the most wonderful memory I have now.
~ Megan
Baby Luke
The Hypnobirthing Course helped us immensely, especially through the touch and go of the entire process. The breath was everything and I really concentrated on that. Nick and I are forever grateful for the experience you have given us through the course, it really helped and grounded us in the worst times.
Thank you for everything, we really enjoyed it!